Dec 29, 2016
Weight stigma - it still exists!
I recently went to a conference in Ottawa that focused on the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent obesity. The...

Dec 21, 2016
Comfort food: do you have one?
I truly believe that food is so much more than the nutrients it provides our bodies. Food is symbolic, it represents our culture, it...

Dec 19, 2016
Chocolate Coconut Granola
In my last blog post I talked about holiday food traditions and how I started my very own holiday food tradition. Last christmas I...

Dec 14, 2016
Holiday Food Traditions
I think almost every family has their own holiday food traditions. For me, it is impossible to think about the holidays and not think...

Dec 9, 2016
Chocolate peppermint brownies (with black beans)
Happy international brownie day folks!! :) I love to bake, it is one of my favourite things to do, but I also love to make baking...

Dec 5, 2016
Salad in a jar please!
I am a huge salad fan when they are filled with a variety of things. I really enjoy when salads are full of different textures and...

Dec 1, 2016
Chocolate Peppermint Smoothie
It's the holiday season so whoop de-do and and hickory dock and don't forget to hang up your sock, cause just exactly at twelve o'clock...